Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Student suspended for anti-bullying video done as a class project.

From May 2012: Jessica Barba was suspended for a video and Facebook page (both clearly marked as fictional) depicting a fictional student for a class project on persuasive speech where her topic was against bullying  because a parent saw them and called the school with her concerns about the student depicted, yet neither the concerned parent or the principal paid enough attention to notice the multiple places the profiles and video filmed were fictional or that they (the administrators) were the only ones who were not "getting" why the video was attracting so much attention. Though the suspension was lifted at a hearing and expunged from her record,  it appears the district still justified the initial overreaction and only backed down as far and as quickly as they did because the attention her story generated was correctly calling into question their own reading comprehension skills.  Purging the suspension was indeed the correct resolution once that penalty had been handed down,there should not have been a suspension in the first place.  I can't help but thinking that a student getting a lot of positive attention to an important issue was perceived as a threat to a school administration that reacted in a way proving their own incompetence..

Read more:
Long Island high schooler suspended for anti-bullying video featuring fake suicide returns to school

The Lesson of Jessica Barba and Her Bullying Video | TIME.com

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